November 13, 2024
Update: Heading into the Home Stretch

Received the copy-edited version and realized there is still more work to be done before taking the novel to market next year. Fortunately, I enjoy the editing process. Its probably my favourite part. Each pass through the text reveals new aspects that need to be nuanced just that little bit more to make the manuscript really shine. And then there are the small inconsistencies to smooth out—dates, time-frames, wardrobe. And if I really want my readers to connect with my characters, I have to go deeper and find those moments of vulnerability that create emotional resonance. Dialogue also requires polishing—it has a distinct rhythm, like music. If it's not right, it jars. 

While it can feel like an endless cycle, there's something incredibly satisfying about seeing the manuscript evolve, becoming tighter and more three-dimensional with every pass. It’s like blocking and modelling a painting. The challenge is to give just enough detail to create a sense of verisimilitude.

Once I've completed another round of edits the MS will go back to the editor for final tweaking. And then one more round before publication. Maybe. If I decide it's ready. The lovely thing about self-publishing: I am responsible for every decision along the way.