
AI video generators Freepik have just added an AI video generator. It can

Freepik have just added an AI video generator. It can take an image and create a 5 second video. You can pan, push out, crane up and down. I've been experimenting this afternoon and wondering how this cn be used to create short videos that emulate scenes from my novel. It would be a great marketing tool. Am wondering if I will have to take the short snippets and edit in Premiere Pro or similar video editor.

In the meantime, here's my main character.

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Mocking Stuff Up I should be editing, but instead, I am putting a new app

I should be editing, but instead, I am putting a new app through its paces - Freepik. As with all new apps, there's a learning curve. Some of it is not as intuitive as I would like, but I am prepared to play and fail and see where it takes me.

Speaking of which, the whole point of playing with Freepik's AI generator was to create content for the new website. I wanted to see if I could customise the templates I've been provided just that little bit more.

I'm not a graphic artist. I am sure...

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Update: Heading into the Home Stretch Received the copy-edited version and

Received the copy-edited version and realized there is still more work to be done before taking the novel to market next year. Fortunately, I enjoy the editing process. Its probably my favourite part. Each pass through the text reveals new aspects that need to be nuanced just that little bit more to make the manuscript really shine. And then there are the small inconsistencies to smooth out—dates, time-frames, wardrobe. And if I really want my readers to connect with my characters, I have to...

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Now that Book One is with the editor, what's next? The answer? Start work

The answer? Start work on Book Two.

So I armed myself with all my favourite writing tools - Scrivener, my computer, a fast internet connection - everything I would need to begin brainstorming new ideas for the second novel. I sketched out the structure in Scrivener - chapters, scenes, plot points and beats. I included some brief notes about what should happen at these major points.

And then I got stuck. No obvious idea about where to start. No inspiration. No anchor. Just a blank page.

I went...

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